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Antillean guilder (ANG) is the currency in Netherlands Antilles

Facts about Antillean guilder

  • Country:
    Netherlands Antilles
  • Currency:
    Antillean guilder
  • Currency code (ISO 4217):
  • Short for the currency:
  • Currency subunits:
    100 cents

Antillean guilder is the currency used by two of the five islands that formed the Netherlands Antilles. The guilder was replaced on the other former islands by the US dollar as of 1 January 2011. Antillean guilder was introduced as currency in 1828 and have a fixed exchange rate to USD.

Where is Netherlands Antilles?

Show a bigger map of Netherlands Antilles

The Netherlands Antilles is an autonomous country in the West Indies. The economy is based on tourism, oil and financial services.

A currency refers to a means of payment in one or several countries.
A currency can be shortened as a currency code of three letters.
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