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Litas (LTL) is the currency in Lithuania

Facts about Litas

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    100 centas

Lithuanian litas is the currency used in Lithuania and was first introduced after World War I in 1922. It was valid until the occupation in 1940. Litas was later re-introduced in 1993. The litas is currently pegged to the euro at 3.4528. Lithuania want to change the currency into EUR but failed to meet the criteria in 2010.

Where is Lithuania?

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Lithuania is a country in the Baltic region with borders to Latvia, Belarus and Poland. The country was occupied by the Soviet Union during the World War II but was again independant after the fall of the union. Lately the economy has shifted from industrial based to a more knowledge-based economy with focus on biotechnology.

A currency refers to a means of payment in one or several countries.
A currency can be shortened as a currency code of three letters.
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