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Kwanza (AOA) is the currency in Angola

Facts about Kwanza

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  • Currency code (ISO 4217):
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  • Currency subunits:
    100 centimos

Kwanza was introduced as currency in Angola in 1977 replacing the angolean escudo. The Kwanza has been revaluated not less than 4 times and it is the one revaluated in 1999 (Kwanza Reajustado) that exists today. The country's national bank is placed in Luande and is called Banco Nacional de Angola.

Where is Angola?

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Angola is a country in south-central Africa, its west coast is on the Atlantic Ocean with Luanda as its capital city. The official language is Portuguese. Angola is the second-largest petroleum and diamond producer in sub-Saharan Africa.

A currency refers to a means of payment in one or several countries.
A currency can be shortened as a currency code of three letters.
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