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Kina (PGK) is the currency in Papua New Guinea

Facts about Kina

  • Country:
    Papua New Guinea
  • Currency:
  • Currency code (ISO 4217):
  • Short for the currency:
  • Currency subunits:
    100 toes

The kina was introduced as currency in Papua New Guinea in 1975 replacing the Australian dollar. The currency was previously called New Guinean pound or mark. The name refers to a callable pearl shell that was widely used for trading.

Where is Papua New Guinea?

Show a bigger map of Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is a country in the West Pacific occupying half of the island of New Guinea. The country's most important assets are gold, copper, silver, gas and petroleum.

A currency refers to a means of payment in one or several countries.
A currency can be shortened as a currency code of three letters.
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