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Dollar (USD) is the currency in El Salvador

Facts about Dollar

  • Country:
    El Salvador
  • Currency:
  • Currency code (ISO 4217):
  • Short for the currency:
  • Currency subunits:
    100 cents

The American dollar, US dollar, is one of the world currencies. It is not just used in United States but valid in many other countries around the globe. The currency is issued by the Federal Reserve System.

Where is El Salvador?

Show a bigger map of El Salvador

El Salvador is republic in Central America with coastal line to the Pacific Ocean. The country belonged to Spain until 1821 and the official language is still spanish. The nations economy has weakened lately as an effect of the natural disasters and malfuntioning tax payment system.

A currency refers to a means of payment in one or several countries.
A currency can be shortened as a currency code of three letters.
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